Beethoven Makes Me Feel a Certain WayWhen I listen to Beethoven’s music I feel alive. It also varies from which I piece I am listening to, but regardless of that, his music…May 14, 20212May 14, 20212
Berlioz Might Have Been a MessThere are definitely many types of musicians. The uptight one, the perfectionist, the careless one, the passionate one, the “ I’m not good…May 14, 2021May 14, 2021
Hello my name is Stravinsky, and you are watching Disney Channel!Stravinksy’s Rite Of Spring has been a heavily famous piece, so much even Disney needed a little bit of that. On November 13, 1940, Disney…May 10, 20211May 10, 20211
Dear Diary,Today was a very unique day. I got to be part of the audience of a world premiere, Ibero-American Landscapes composed by Edwin Guevara…May 10, 202110May 10, 202110
A Woodstock StoryIn 1969, a festival would change the history of festivals, guitar history, and music. Woodstock, the king of festivals, took place August…May 10, 2021May 10, 2021
Monteverdi’s L’OrfeoL’Orfeo was an opera dedicated as a grand gesture of admiration for someone, in this case for Prince Francesco Gonzaga of Mantua, Italy…Mar 5, 20211Mar 5, 20211
How We Handel Today…After reading the introduction and conclusion of “First Nights”by Thomas Forrest Kelly, I have to say that I am genuinely impressed and…Mar 5, 202116Mar 5, 202116
Unexpected Love StoryThere exists many special moments in my life in which I have felt pure euphoria and immense happiness. One of those moments of euphoria…Feb 2, 2021502Feb 2, 2021502
Premiere of “Cancion Sin Miedo”There have been lots of exciting musical premieres around the world throughout history, but in my opinion, this will be one of the many…Feb 2, 20211Feb 2, 20211